Wednesday 13 May 2015

Concept Mashup

Designs that integrate visual, structural, and environmental performance provide the framework for inspiration and innovation. Geometrical coherence in a structure and vibrant, rhythmic sequence on all sides inform the building orientation, spatial layout, façade design, and choice of material and structural system. Connectivity with an artifact or structure into an abstract, elegant, and iconic solution creates an environment where everyone is part of the same room. Traditional notions of beauty acknowledges its context and legacy, fit only for harnessing, stimulating, and distributing pedestrian activity, movement and flows. It supports the opportunities for mutual inspiration and the close exchange of knowledge and ideas and establishes integrated design responses as well as a personal relationship with the physical object or space. The building adapts to local climatic and site conditions and to some degree, takes shape in a dynamic gradient form that represents dynamic growth of technology, industrialization, and collectivization.


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